
A me piace stare sott’acqua. Da segno d’acqua, mi ci sento a mio agio. Mi piace galleggiare, sì, sentire il mio peso che si annulla, ma mi piace ancora di più immergermi: l’assenza di rumori, solo il leggero fischio della pressione nell’orecchio, le bollicine, la vista annebbiata. Percepisco la realtà e ogni sua sfumatura così…

Settimana Enigmistica

Per scrivere questa storia ho dovuto bere uno shot di tequila. Tequila, perché qualsiasi altra cosa mi fa schifo. Non che la tequila mi piaccia, però ecco se proprio devo bere uno shot, quello è il male minore. Come, che ne so, i broccoli, i posti in ultima fila e la domenica mattina.


There are many women in my family, maybe too many; at least more than most other families: more beautiful, louder and stronger. Many heads with many voices.


Le donne della mia famiglia sono tante. Forse troppe. Di sicuro, più della media. Più belle, più chiassose, più vive, più forti. Tante voci per altrettante teste.

Women who (don’t) hate men

In this blog post, I won’t go through the historical aspects of International Women’s Day nor the feminist movement with its several waves – from the suffragettes, the 70s protests and the ongoing generations of women who have fought for an end to inequality, in order to create change for the next. It is important…

Donne che (non) odiano gli uomini

Ho sempre avuto idee contrastanti in merito della festa della donna. Fino a quando non ti informi, sembra si tratti di farsi regalare mimosa perché “gli uomini non lo fanno” ed andare a vedere spettacoli di spogliarello maschile “come fanno gli uomini”, come se il metro di giudizio di quell’unico giorno si basasse esclusivamente su…

#Occupy & Kony 2012: when professionalisation is not enough

In recent years, a number of social change campaigns have reached a very high level of professionalisation: from glossy websites to 360° videos. But what happens when it is precisely all of this professionalisation that makes a campaign, ultimately, a failure? One of the most important social movements is the Occupy movement. It started in…

Misrepresentation of a protest: Black Lives Matter

The ‘protest paradigm‘ (Chan & Lee, 1984) is a set of repeating patterns that media seem to follow when covering a protest. This usually deals with the newsworthiness aspect of a news story, which means that violence, drama and deviant behaviour sell better. It also includes the selection of sources that media use to frame…

One-day actions: Icelandic women strike

I have previously written about gender equality with the HeForShe campaign as well as sexism with #YesAllWomen, but this time, I am going to focus on women’s actions to stand for their own rights. One of the most recent ones is the strike Icelandic women went on to protest against the 14% pay gap in…

#YesAllWomen, yes, all of them

In May 2014, shortly after the Isla Vista events, when a 22-year-old boy killed six people before committing suicide, the hashtag #YesAllWomen went viral on Twitter. It originally started as a response to the #NotAllMen hashtag, meaning that even if the young man was animated by misogynist sentiments, not all men are sexist. On the…

HeForShe: gender equality is a man’s job too

The ‘solidarity campaign‘ HeForShe was launched by the United Nations in 2014 to involve more men in the gender equality cause. The target audience of mainly men is what makes it different from the most part of other gender equality campaigns, which usually address to women. Strategically speaking, activists have carefully designed their website and launched…

Gezi Park demonstrations: from the trees to the power

The 2013 protest in Istanbul, started as a demonstration against the government’s renovation plan for the city center, which included the construction of a shopping mall on the Taksim Gezi Park, was suddenly charged with a strong dissent against the policies of the current Turkish Prime Minister Recep Yayipp Erdoğan. On the 27th of May 2013,…